Battery Storage can support 80% of the Renewables Smart Grid by 2050, with a huge ramp-up in storage development of at least 200 Gigawatts capacity by 2030 and 600 GW by 2050. 

Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT) ?

The answer is yes, it’s Horizontal Axis wind turbines (HAWT) & (VAWT) that's a serious contender to solar in the UK. Whether we like it or not the world is going electric at such a rapid pace it’s difficult to keep up. This is clearly visible with the huge uprise in Solar PV combined with battery storage. People are even now reverting to smart electric heating systems such as air & ground source heat pumps to reduce their carbon emissions even further.

Are Electric cars Really the future?

Electric cars have been steadily growing in popularity, especially in the past year. There are currently around 300,000 purely electric cars on the road in the UK and 2020 saw a 66% growth in the electric car market compared to 2019. As well as being a cleaner option for the planet, electric vehicles offer owners significantly reduced running costs when compared to an internal combustion engine. 

Can you reduce your Gas Consumption with Solar? 

The answer is yes, What is a solar diverter? A solar diverter is what it says: a device that diverts excess energy production to an electrical appliance, generally an immersion heater and / or an electric heater. These power diverters can be used on any electrical appliance, maybe heating your Jacuzzi from surplus solar is better suited, its up to you.

Vertical Axis wind turbines (VAWT)

The Vertical axis wind turbines are projected to see a compound annual growth rate of over 12% in the next five years. In urban areas, VAWTs have been proven to generate up to 50% more electricity compared to their horizontal axis counterparts, However this statistic is environmentally based, generally a HAWT, will outperform a vertical axis in most conditions.

What we do!

What system are you interested in?What we do!

It is crucial you understand the difference between these systems before planning your installation. With a wide variety of solar & battery systems now on the market, there is a lot of confusion about the different types of systems and what’s best for a typical household, farm, factory or large commercial premises. 

Case Studies

Wind for Stand Alone Systems

HAWT & VAWT Wind Turbine Systems Class 1 (Stand alone) PCS Power Conversion Systems AC / DC Coupled Installed to Guidelines

International Standards EIC 61400-2 : 2013 Micro/Small Wind Turbines Part 2

Example : Adding Wind to Battery Storage Systems.

The benefit for both wind and solar being coupled-together has the clear advantage for sustainable power throughout all seasons of the year, never relying on either just "wind" or "sunlight" to create a reliable counter-balancing flow of free energy from both sources.

 Solar PV and Battery Storage

A huge saving on your electricity bill can be achieved with hybrid battery storage systems, a reduction of your electricity bill could reach beyond 80% with the correct design and tariff rate.

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Alleco Energy Installers LTD 

Ashby De La Zouch England UK



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